School Closure Information for Sage College Students
The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (Bureau) has been informed that Sage College is closing. We are hoping to make the transition in Sage College students’ education as smooth as possible during this difficult time.
The Bureau held a meeting for Sage College students on Monday, January 9, 2017, to provide assistance and additional information to students. The U.S. Department of Education’s Web site also has additional school closure resources (including a fact sheet and webinar details) available to Sage College students.
Date: Monday, January 9, 2017
Time: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm (Students may attend at any time during these hours)
Location Address: Department of General Services, 3737 Main Street, Alvarado Room 207, Riverside, CA 92501
For additional information, students can contact the Bureau at (888) 370-7589. Students can also check the Bureau’s Web site along with its Facebook and Twitter pages regularly for updated information on the Sage College school closure.
- What should I do now that my school has closed?
Students facing a school closure should:
- Obtain their Student Academic Records
- Obtain their Student Financial Records
- Obtain copies of ALL paperwork the school is providing or asking them to sign
- Make copies of their enrollment agreements and all receipts
- Create a folder to keep all their documentation
- Determine whether they would like to continue their education
- What are my options if I do not want to continue my education?
Students who do not want to continue their education following a school closure may be eligible for loan discharge and/or tuition reimbursement from the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF). Students should contact their loan servicer(s) regarding a loan discharge or complete a STRF application for tuition reimbursement.
- What are my options if I would like to continue my education?
Students who would like to continue their education following a school closure should thoroughly research potential colleges to transfer to. Admissions representatives from potential colleges will advise students on the transferability of their credits/units.
Note: Students who are unable to transfer all of their credits/units to another college may be eligible for tuition reimbursement from the STRF.
- Do I have to transfer to another school to be qualified to take the California license exam?
Candidates for the California license exam may qualify to take the exam by submitting proof of completion of a court reporting program offered by a school recognized by the Court Reporters Board, by RPR certificate, license from Nevada, Texas, or Georgia ("A" certificate), passing the California State Hearing Reporter examination, or 12 months full-time work experience. Here is a link to the details of the requirements:
- How do I know what schools are recognized by the Court Reporters Board?
Both private and public schools that are recognized by the Court Reporters Board can be found on their Web site under their Applicants tab. For convenience, the link is
- What is the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) and how do I apply?
Students enrolled at the time of school closure (or enrolled within 120 days of the school's closure) may be eligible for reimbursement through the STRF. The STRF exists to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution if the student was a California resident (or was enrolled in a residency program).
The student of a closed school must have:
- Prepaid the tuition
- Suffered loss
Students who have exhausted all other possible ways to recover lost tuition expenses may file a STRF application. Students can download the STRF application (Español) from the Bureau’s Web site.
Students with STRF eligibility questions may contact the Bureau's STRF Unit at (888) 370-7589, press 5 when prompted, or via by using the contact form.
What is the definition of economic loss as it relates to STRF?Per section 94923(f) of the California Education Code, ´"economic loss´ includes, but is not necessarily limited to, pecuniary loss, which is the sum of the student’s tuition, all other institutional charges as defined in Section 94844, the cost of equipment and materials required for the educational program as defined in Section 94837, interest on any student loan used to pay for such charges, collection costs, penalties, and any license or examination fees the student paid to the institution but is unable to recover. Economic loss shall also include the amount the institution collected and failed to pay to third parties on behalf of the student for license fees or any other purpose.
Economic loss does not include Student Tuition Recovery Fund assessments, unless the student is entitled to a full refund under Section 94919 or 94920, room and board, supplies, transportation, application fees, or nonpecuniary damages such as inconvenience, aggravation, emotional distress, or punitive damages. Economic loss does not include legal fees, attorney fees, court costs, or arbitration fees."
- How can I obtain copies of my transcripts?
Sage College staff will be emailing unofficial transcripts to students’ Sage College email addresses and mailing official transcripts once they are finalized for the quarter.
- What if I need additional copies of my transcript?
All requests for additional official transcripts will be processed by Sage College’s custodian of records. A link will be posted on the Sage College Web site for students requesting additional copies.
- Can I get a refund from Sage College for services not rendered?
Students should request a refund from Sage College for any services, paid for in advance, that were not rendered.
- How can I get my loans discharged or my tuition reimbursed?
Students should contact their loan servicer(s) regarding a loan discharge or complete a STRF application for tuition reimbursement. To inquire about federal student loan servicers, students should visit the Federal Student Aid Web site.
Note: Students should NOT pay companies for student loan "consolidation" or forgiveness services that their federal loan servicer provides on behalf of the United States Department of Education for free.