The Bureau oversees private postsecondary educational institutions operating in California. The Bureau promotes and implements licensing standards for institutions by conducting workshops and approving or denying applications. The Bureau reviews institutions through qualitative review of licensing applications, and approves and monitors accreditation plans.
Popular School Resources

Application Information
Licensing Applications
- Addition of a Separate Branch
- Approval to Operate an Institution Non-Accredited
- Approval to Operate an Accredited Institution
- Change of Business Organization/Control/Ownership
- Change of Educational Objective
- Change of Location
- Change in Method of Instructional Delivery
- Change of Name
- Renewal for Approval to Operate an Institution Non-Accredited
- Renewal for Approval to Operate an Accredited Institution
- Verification of Exempt Status
Annual Reports
An Annual Report must be filed with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (Bureau) by each approved institution pursuant to California Education Code (CEC) section 94934. The Institution reports the required aggregate information for all locations (main and all branches). In addition to the Annual Report, each Institution is required to submit a Performance Fact Sheet and the school catalog.
Annual Report Tips
- Post all sections of the Annual Report to your website.
Institution – Section 1, Program(s) – Section 2, Branches – Section 3, if applicable and Satellite(s) – Section 4, if applicable. - SPFS must include all tables and all fields for all sections.
- If your program does not require state licensure, provide a statement indicating such and enter n/a in said fields.
- If the program is new, indicate zeros and use the “new program” verbiage as listed in the SPFS.
- Provide one link from your homepage, clearly and conspicuously displayed, leading to all Annual Report documents.
- All verbatim statements required for the SPFS must be included in the SPFS as is.
Note: You may use the same link for the SPFS, Catalog and Annual Report.
Common Minor Violations
The following is a list of minor violations of the Bureau’s regulations that commonly result in the Bureau’s issuance of a “notice to comply” at a school inspection:
- Failure to notify the Bureau of a change in the institution’s mailing address within 30 days of the change. [See, Title 5 California Code of Regulation (CCR) section 71660, Notifications of Non-Substantive Changes.]
- Failure to provide documentation of a cancellation and withdrawal log. [See, CCR section 71750 (f), Withdrawals and Refunds.]
- Failure to include housing information in catalog. [See, CCR section 71810(b)13), Catalog.]
- Student files lacking verification of high school completion or equivalency or other documentation establishing the student’s ability to do college level work (i.e., student files lacking a copy of a recognized high school diploma or GED certificate, or completion of an ability-to-benefit test). [See, CCR section 71920(b)(1)(A), Student Records.]
- Failure to include the institution’s website address on transcripts. [See, CCR section 71920(b)(5)(E), Student Records.]
- Failure to maintain STRF records. [See, CCR section 76140. Record-Keeping Requirements.]
- Suggested Template: STRF Back Up Data Template
- Failure to provide the following in the enrollment agreement: Total charges for the current period of attendance, the estimated total charges for the entire educational program, and the total charges the student is obligated to pay upon enrollment. [See, California Education Code, section 94911, Minimum Requirements for Enrollment Agreements.]
Helpful Resources
Workshop Information
The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) is now hosting free application, compliance, and school performance fact sheet workshops.
Steps to a Successful School Closure
- Notify the Bureau of your school's planned closure date
- Provide a closure plan to include teach-out or transfer of students
- Provide refunds to students
- Provide the names and addresses of enrolled students
- Provide contact information for a custodian of records
- If receiving Title IV funding, instruct students to contact their lender for instructions on how to handle their Title IV financial aid.
- Provide Bureau with a copy of any closure letter sent to students
Click here for detailed information on the steps to a successful School Closure
Current Regulatory Activity