
In an effort to foster open communication and provide continuous updates regarding submitted applications, the Bureau is now posting to its website the month and year of the applications that are currently under review. Applications for approval are reviewed in the order in which they are deemed complete. Please note the timeframe to review each application is dependent upon several factors including, but not limited to, the size of the institution, number of locations, number and complexity of educational programs, and the overall complexity of the application.

The Bureau is presently working on Applications for Approval to Operate an Institution Non-Accredited deemed complete in September 2024.

The Bureau is presently working on Applications for Renewal for Approval to Operate an Institution Non-Accredited deemed complete in September 2024.

The Bureau is presently working on Applications for Change in Method of Instructional Delivery deemed complete in March 2024.

The Bureau is presently working on Applications for Change of Educational Objective deemed complete in March 2024.

Licensing Applications